Showing posts with label Raspberry PI and Ham Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raspberry PI and Ham Radio. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Raspberry Pi and Amateur Radio (Apps and more)

have a raspberry Pi or want a raspberry PI?

this is the best thing going for now. it is a full blown computer on a 2x2 board
HD audio
HD Video

1GB of memory and FAST

and very little $$$ compared to what you are used to!

here is a link to check it out:rasp pi

software list for ham radio is XXXXXXX

then i will point you to what you can do with it with Ham radio

here are some I found on dxzone
Hamnet on a Raspberry Pi - Initial set up of Broadband Hamnet on a Raspberry Pi....
GNU Radio on Raspberry Pi 2 - Taking the Raspberry Pi 2 for a Test Drive with GNU Radio. Installing ...
ADS-B flight tracker with Raspberry Pi - Build and run your own ADS-B receiver for 100 USD with a Raspberry Pi...
Raspberry Pi SDR Receiver - Get started with SDR using a Raspberry Pi and inexpensive RTL-SDR tune...
D-Star radio access point with Raspberry Pi - Getting your Raspberry PI up and running your D-Star radio kit. This w...
FM broadcast transmitter Raspberry Pi - This simple hack turns your Raspberry Pi into a powerful FM transmitte...
Raspberry Pi WSPR beacon - How to build a simple WSPR beacon using the Raspberry Pi for the trans...
RemoteQTH with Raspberry - Software running on the Raspberry PI, Control up to 8 arduino rotators...
SDR Server with Raspberry Pi - Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a SDR Server with RTL-2832U USB dongle ...
WSPR beacon on Raspberry Pi - Settng up a 40 meter WSPR beacon based on Raspberry Pi by VA3PAW.

ham radio/raspberrey pi>hamradioscience

to get a raspberry pi to work with linux (raspbian) the drivers were already there for many ham radio apps

to get the audio working for raspberry pi and linux:

install alsa a mp3 tool and wav to mp3 conversion:

> sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
> sudo apt-get install mpg321
> sudo apt-get install lame

enable sound module, then reboot
> lsmod snd-bcm2835
> sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835

then just use
>aplay xxxx.wav

there are a few Ham Radio Linux distributions for Raspberry pi:

1. KB1OIQ Andy ham radio for linux>KB1OIQ
2. raspberryconnect>RASPBERRYCONNECT
4. ubuntumate> ubuntumate
5.>australian linux group

for digital modes ham radio and linux you need a new radio or some type of tnc or analog to digital converter.

so there are a few: Rigblaster - by west mountain radio or signlalink by

Ham radio deluxe is only for windows you CAN run wine but good luck people say it works ok
but I prefer not to run wine ( I might as well run windows)
so programs i would suggest:
FLDIGI for most digital modes CW, rtty, psk
ECHOLINK echolink
FREEDV>that allows any SSB radio to be used for low bit rate digital voice.
MMTTY > rtty
MMSSTV> slow scan tv
WSTOOLS>Linux version of the JT44 and FSK441 communications protocols, usually described together as WSJT.
ICOM> This program controls ICOM radio transceivers and receivers with the CI-V option.

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