Saturday, June 6, 2015

Raspberry Pi and Amateur Radio (Apps and more)

have a raspberry Pi or want a raspberry PI?

this is the best thing going for now. it is a full blown computer on a 2x2 board
HD audio
HD Video

1GB of memory and FAST

and very little $$$ compared to what you are used to!

here is a link to check it out:rasp pi

software list for ham radio is XXXXXXX

then i will point you to what you can do with it with Ham radio

here are some I found on dxzone
Hamnet on a Raspberry Pi - Initial set up of Broadband Hamnet on a Raspberry Pi....
GNU Radio on Raspberry Pi 2 - Taking the Raspberry Pi 2 for a Test Drive with GNU Radio. Installing ...
ADS-B flight tracker with Raspberry Pi - Build and run your own ADS-B receiver for 100 USD with a Raspberry Pi...
Raspberry Pi SDR Receiver - Get started with SDR using a Raspberry Pi and inexpensive RTL-SDR tune...
D-Star radio access point with Raspberry Pi - Getting your Raspberry PI up and running your D-Star radio kit. This w...
FM broadcast transmitter Raspberry Pi - This simple hack turns your Raspberry Pi into a powerful FM transmitte...
Raspberry Pi WSPR beacon - How to build a simple WSPR beacon using the Raspberry Pi for the trans...
RemoteQTH with Raspberry - Software running on the Raspberry PI, Control up to 8 arduino rotators...
SDR Server with Raspberry Pi - Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a SDR Server with RTL-2832U USB dongle ...
WSPR beacon on Raspberry Pi - Settng up a 40 meter WSPR beacon based on Raspberry Pi by VA3PAW.

ham radio/raspberrey pi>hamradioscience

to get a raspberry pi to work with linux (raspbian) the drivers were already there for many ham radio apps

to get the audio working for raspberry pi and linux:

install alsa a mp3 tool and wav to mp3 conversion:

> sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
> sudo apt-get install mpg321
> sudo apt-get install lame

enable sound module, then reboot
> lsmod snd-bcm2835
> sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835

then just use
>aplay xxxx.wav

there are a few Ham Radio Linux distributions for Raspberry pi:

1. KB1OIQ Andy ham radio for linux>KB1OIQ
2. raspberryconnect>RASPBERRYCONNECT
4. ubuntumate> ubuntumate
5.>australian linux group

for digital modes ham radio and linux you need a new radio or some type of tnc or analog to digital converter.

so there are a few: Rigblaster - by west mountain radio or signlalink by

Ham radio deluxe is only for windows you CAN run wine but good luck people say it works ok
but I prefer not to run wine ( I might as well run windows)
so programs i would suggest:
FLDIGI for most digital modes CW, rtty, psk
ECHOLINK echolink
FREEDV>that allows any SSB radio to be used for low bit rate digital voice.
MMTTY > rtty
MMSSTV> slow scan tv
WSTOOLS>Linux version of the JT44 and FSK441 communications protocols, usually described together as WSJT.
ICOM> This program controls ICOM radio transceivers and receivers with the CI-V option.

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