Thursday, January 28, 2016

ARRL January VHF Contest is here

This coming weekend is the January VHF contest.  Unlike HF contests that fill the bands with stations upon stations, to those who do not participate in the VHF contests these contests go virtually unnoticed as they take place mostly out of site from FM repeater operation that most think of when it comes to VHF.

For those who do weak signal work on VHF, these are weekends the VHF bands, from 6m thru light come alive!!

Many folks don't think they even have the right equipment to get involved or even help out their local VHF operators, but access to the VHF contest may be easier than you think.

Many (if not most) HF rigs these days include 6m.  The 6m band is the lowest of the VHF bands and on 6m you can join in with the VHF excitement!

You can also find some FM operation so your 2m or 70cm mobile rig or HT is sufficient to make contest contacts.   There is actually a FM only class of operation which is trying to encourage more participation.

My favorite class is operating as a rover where I move from grid square to grid square and every time I change a grid I can work stations over again from the new grid.

January VHF contest information can be found here:

You can read about where I will be during the upcoming contest here
If I will be passing someplace near you I would love to work you.  You can track my location here during the contest to find when I am in your area.  Be aware that is a static page so you need to manually refresh to see my position update.

I hope to catch you on the VHF airwaves this weekend!

Featured Post

QRP:ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW: 0000Z, Feb 15 to 2400Z, Feb 16

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